Induced Draft Fan Definition

Induced draft implies an inlet fan placed on top of the cooling tower and the creation of low pressure.
Induced draft fan definition. Induced draft definition is a draft produced by a suction steam jet or fan on the stack side of a furnace. In this case the system is said to operate under induced draft. When your furnace begins a heating cycle the draft inducer is one of the first devices that turns on. When air or flue gases are maintained above atmospheric pressure.
Frequently id and fd fans work in concert in boiler applications. The method is popularly known as induced flue gas recirculation utilizes the fd fan to pull induce flue gas from the boiler exhaust duct into the combustion air at the fan inlet. Our centrifugal blowers are used to maintain elevated ventilation resulting in increased system efficiency. Forced draft means an exhaust fan placed at the base of the cooling tower which then causes overpressure.
This is true when the air temperature rise exceeds 54 f 30 c because the fan is pumping denser air. Almeco s cooling tower range contains all different types. When air or flue gases flow under the effect of a gradually decreasing pressure below atmospheric pressure. A draft inducer is a fan that s located inside of your furnace near the heat exchanger.
Twin city fan can also supply extractor fans which are typically heavy duty construction to handle particulate in the airstream. In theory the primary advantage of the forced draft unit is that less power is required. The fan also serves as the mixing device and thus this is considered as a very cost effective method. Fans are located above the bundle.
Induced draft id fans are used to create a vacuum or negative air pressure in a system or stack. Where forced draft fd fans create positive pressure induced draft fd fans create negative pressure or put simply suck air through a system. Air is pulled across the finned tube surface. Steam generating boilers designed to operate with a balanced furnace draft or without a forced draft fan require an id fan an id fan will draw the flue gas out of the boiler through the air heater and air pollution equipment and then exiting up through.
Axial fans are always used for this type of draft. Both axial and centrifugal fans can be used. In such applications the id fans must be constructed to handle high temperature gases and high particulate loadings. Normally it is done with the help of a forced draft fan.
Induced draft fans id fan are located at or near the stack and normally move gas temperatures ranging from 350 degrees f to 150 degrees f.